Policy Gateway course – REGISTRATION OPEN! Fall 2020

With the STEP graduate certificate on the verge of launching (final approval anticipated in early Fall), we are very pleased to announce that we will be offering the Policy Gateway: Policy and Decision Making in STEM-H Domains course THIS semester. 

While delivered as a ‘special topics’ pilot course in 2019, this is the first time it is being offered as a fully approved graduate course explicitly designed to fit within the graduate certificate. That being said, students looking for a single course and not the entire certificate are certainly still welcome to register.

This course should be appealing to any and all that are looking for a good introduction to policy-making, including in STEM-H contexts.

You may register under any of these course codes:
PSCI 5104 (CRN: 92004)
SPIA (CRN: 92005)
STS 5104 (CRN: 92006)

For more information, please reach out to course instructor and core STEP program faculty member, Dr. Anne-Lise Velez at aknox@vt.edu.

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