With the STEP graduate certificate on the verge of launching (final approval anticipated in early Fall), we are very pleased to announce that we will be offering the Policy Gateway: Policy and Decision Making in STEM-H Domains course THIS semester.
While delivered as a ‘special topics’ pilot course in 2019, this is the first time it is being offered as a fully approved graduate course explicitly designed to fit within the graduate certificate. That being said, students looking for a single course and not the entire certificate are certainly still welcome to register.
This course should be appealing to any and all that are looking for a good introduction to policy-making, including in STEM-H contexts.
You may register under any of these course codes:
PSCI 5104 (CRN: 92004)
SPIA (CRN: 92005)
STS 5104 (CRN: 92006)
For more information, please reach out to course instructor and core STEP program faculty member, Dr. Anne-Lise Velez at aknox@vt.edu.